Just a quick not on the Banquet, everyting went well after an extremerly stressed me Jenny and I. But as we realised, we thrive on this, the thrill of it all is enough for us! Everything went off beautifully!
Thank-you everyone!
Just a quick not on the Banquet, everyting went well after an extremerly stressed me Jenny and I. But as we realised, we thrive on this, the thrill of it all is enough for us! Everything went off beautifully!
Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be trated ad He was condemned for out sins, in which he had no share, that we might be justified by His Righteousness , in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours that we might recieve the life which was His.
My gift is for theatre, plain and simple. It's the thing I love and I want to do with the rest of my lfie and I know I love it, because no matter how bad one day is, I still go back the next day!
Two teenage girls selected and talked a New Zealand tourist in Noosa's National Park, Queensland, to carry out a carefully planned "thrill killing". They bashed and stabbed a 59 year old grandmother as she walked the park's track. One of the girls had a long-held desire to kill someone and was surprised and dissapointed went she realised she hasn't succeeded. When she was told by the police that she stabbed the woman more than 22 times, all she could reply with was "cool". She expressed pleasure at watching the blood spurt from the victim. It is alleged they were involved in some sort of Satanic Cult.
Never, in my whole lifetime, did I ever imagine I'd find a group of peopel so accepting of me, this was the single thought that hit me tonight after leaving my first small group.
I was crusing through some forums that frequent, one's topic being morality and religion, when I came across a forum entitled "If God is gracious how can he let people like this live?" and I clicked wondering what kind of people he was talking about.
Today was my first Sabbath School and Sermon experience, and it was a great one!Thanks Dave! Feeling more nervous than I've felt in my whole life, I ventured up to the Rosny Adventist church. The Sermon was so full and complete, covering so many points, to check them out Click here!
You shall know them by their fruits
I just watched a movie titled Thirteen. It is an incredibly touching movie based on a true story. A young girl, Tracy, hitting her teens is swept away by another girl her age, Evvi. Evvi sweeps tracy into a dark underworld of sex and drugs. Tracy goes through changes physically, emotionall and spiritually through this movie. Her father isn't around and her mother's boyfriend is an ex-crack addict. Her morals are eroded before they have begun to develop and we see her going to self-mutilation. Before Evvi reveals her true colours after her stash is found by her guardian. Evvi places the blame on Tracy. Tracy's mother finds out about everything and the movie closes with her mother holding her in her arms overnight, Tracy wakes the next morning and looks around her... what is she to do now?
To start off this blog I want to start by talking about the opinions that I've heard about whats wrong with the world.
Why do babies starve, when there's enough food to feed the world/Why, when there's so many of us/Are there people still alone?
Love is hate/War is peace/No is yes/And we are all free
My third Bible study, which was studied with Dave and his awesome powerpoint presentations. After covering the basics of faith in my first two studies, questions were starting appear about creation vs. evolution, where things came from, how science compliments and disproves religion so this Study was perfect timing.
"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment, to be almost a miracle. So many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going"
"The chances that life jsut occured on earth are about as unlikely as a typhoon blowing through a junkyard and constructing a boeing 747"
"If you want me after this, rotten piece of meat that I am, I will give myself to You" - Barry Mcguire
This was a bible study that I did by myself (I do every second study at home, in my own time) And I found this extremerly relevant to me! I felt as though I had no reason to trust what I was reading, it was so much easier that way, just to ignore it or treat it as a piece of fiction that people took too far, but lately, it has become so much more...
Unfortunatly, starting a new blog is no-where as satisfying as opening and new journal and smelling the new, untouched pages, it is, however, much more reassuring to know that my old blog can't be found by my parents when they're going through my drawers in my room.