One of my favorite stories that Pr Dave tells is about an old man on the bank of river, the old man is looking out over the river and he notices that there is a scorpian drowing in the river, thrashing around triyng for all it's worth to learn to swim at that moment in it's life, the chances don't look good (you can't teach an old scorpion new trick, huh?)
So the man makes the decision to save the scorpion, he reaches out and puts his hand under the scorpian to pull it out of water, as soon as he touches it, the scorpions stings. The Old Man curses and drops the scorpion in the water, this happens several more times, until the man just sttels himself and lifts the scorpion out of the water, it stings him several times before he gets a chance to place it on the ground.
Watching this chain of events has been a young man, standing above the Old Man on a bridge and he yells out;
"You old fool, you should have let it die, now it will go on to sting many more people"
To which the old Man replied;
"The scorpians nature to sting, does not change my nature save."
This story made me think so very much the first time I heard it, I'm a sucker for returning to someone after they've hurt me, and I have never understood why.
I have to help people. Like spending hours in a bar I don't want to be in, just so my friends can get a life home, or staying up for horus to help someone with a project, or let them talk to me about their problems.
Don't get me wrong, I love to do these things, but i've had this thought just now,
Are thre only two types of people in the world;
Stingers and Savers?
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