Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bible Study #2 - The Bible, can you trust it?

This was a bible study that I did by myself (I do every second study at home, in my own time) And I found this extremerly relevant to me! I felt as though I had no reason to trust what I was reading, it was so much easier that way, just to ignore it or treat it as a piece of fiction that people took too far, but lately, it has become so much more...

The Bible possesses a power that can actually tranform peopls lives. Whenever people study the Bible and take it seriously, lives are dramatically changed for the better.

The bible is actually a library of 66 books divided into two sections (Old Testament and New Testament.) The Old testament was written before the coming of The Christ because about 1500BC and 400BC and they are largely the history of God's dealings with the Children of Isreal. The books of the New Testament were written after Jesus' time between 50AD and 95AD, written laregly by Disciples, there are letters written to new Christian Churches and to individuals.

The 'Paradise Lost' of genesis becomes the 'Paradise Regained' if Relevelation. Whereas the gate to the tree of life is closed in Genesis, it is opened forever more in Revelation.

The bible, as a whole communicates one message, one grand theme, This revolves around Jesus coming to rescue us from the mess that we're in.

There are so many things that prove the reliability of The Bible. Archeaoligical finds, correct prophecies, there is so much information out there to show that The Bible is telling us the truth and The Word of God.

The Bible needs to be studied carefully and read in cultural and histrical context as well as literary context. People get so carried away with passages when all they're doing is lifting them and using them to prove a point that is out of the context of what is being said.

This Particular study made me more sure about what was being said and preached to me by the various people in my life, it confirmed everything that my heart had been feeling. Ever since finding God my heart is lighter, I find it easier to deal with day to day problems. I live for the time I spend in prayer and with my pastor studying the word of God and the deed of The Christ.
Even when the person I felt was my earth angel deserted me and starting acting in a way that showed me he wasn't following his own advice my faith never wavered because I knew that a humans actions should enver destroy my faith, on Jesus' actions matter. My actions matter so that I may reach the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father and live and Eternal Life.

Things That I have learnt from this Study:
  • That the Bible can be trusted
  • That The bible is relevant to me today
  • The Bible was written over approx. 1600 years
  • It was written over 60 generations
  • It was written on three continents: Asia; Africa and Europe
  • It was written in three languages: Hebrew; Aramaic and Greeks
  • Through all this there is ONE theme: Gods planned rescue of people though Jesus
Things I have found to back up what I have learnt:

  1. Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment (proverbs 12:19)


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