Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bible Study #11 - God's window in to the future

We are based upon one tree,
All my friends and me.
The wind is blowing strong,
I'm not lasting long,
the dying tree is read,
It's spinning in my head.
Time is going fast
I know I'll never last.

This poem was written by a primary school child when asked about what they felt the future held.

Pretty bleak huh?

A survey of 500 sydney teenagers found that the average adolescent thought the world was "going down the gurgler".

"[The] fundamental failing of modern western culture [is] the absence of a shared ideal of vision of our society and it's furutre, a vision that nutures and nourishes the individual and help to hold a society together"

Without Hope Human Beings can't survive

Six Hundred years before the birth of Christ, God gave the world a startling glimpse into the future through the prophet Daniel. He presented an outline of world history. The prophecy appeasrs in the second chapter of daniel and originated in a dream God gave Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, over 2600 years ago. The dream troubled the monarch and he summoned his wise men saying "tell me what I dreamt and the meaning of the dream", but of course, they couldn't tell the king what he had dreamt, and withoutthat knowledge, the couldn't tell him what it meant. He ordered them to be killed. A young hebrew slave named Daniel calimed that the God of heaven could reveal all mysteries and he told the king of his dream.

You looked, O King, and there before you stood a large statue -an enormous, dazzling, statue, awesome in appearance . (Daniel 2:31-35)

Daniels interprtations and prophecies have all proven to be true... He predicted that the statue that Nebuchadnezaar dreamt about respresented the kingdoms that would prevail until the second coming of Jesus. Babylon was the head of Gold, which would be overthrown by the combined forces of Medes & Persia who were the chest of Silve,r in turn they would be overthrown by Greece (lead by Alexander the Great) who were the thighs of bronze. Greece would be overthrown by Rome, who were the legs of Iron. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, The 10 nations would not be re-united by no-one, these were the feet of Iron and Clay.

Many leaders have tried to re-unite europe, for example Hitler.. none have been succesful...

How did he know?

This bring me to another point!

The Prophecy Seminars!

I'm designing for these seminars, which will commence on Obtober 1st! These seminars are going to be intriguing and so interesting!



Check them all out!


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