Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bible Study #3 - Where did I come from

My third Bible study, which was studied with Dave and his awesome powerpoint presentations. After covering the basics of faith in my first two studies, questions were starting appear about creation vs. evolution, where things came from, how science compliments and disproves religion so this Study was perfect timing.

Humans search for meaning. in their own personal lives and for life in general.

The prevailing view around most of the world is that life had an impersonal beginning. Evolution suggests that all life came from impersonal matter or energy. That is : Time + Change + Matter = Life. There is nothing else. This is the prevailing view by the world, it is taught in most unis, colleges, high schools, printed in most books and presented by the mass media.

The predicament with Evolution is that we start as blobs, we end up worm food and what we do in between is of no significance what-so-ever. The worms won't care if we're immoral, but somehow we can't live with that.

Human beings are the only animals born with a conscience and the ability to make decisions that go against any insticts that we may have. There is no evidence of our evolution, no middle man, no evidence that we are still evolving(and we certainly aren't perfect). There are primates, human-seeming remains.. but nothing in between those and us to show our evolutionary patterns. Evolution wise, if survival of the fittest is the case, then humans shouldn't be here. We have no means of surviving outside what we create for overselves, no claws or wings and sharp teeth...

"An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment, to be almost a miracle. So many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going"

Scientists more and more are coming back to creationism theories as things that need exploring more and more. They are, more often, refuting the idea that life was blind chance. A once popular argument with theologians 100 years ago or more was that he world was too perfectly balanced to not have been created by an ultimate designer... image if they knew what we knew now about thhe universe and it's intricate patterns!

"The chances that life jsut occured on earth are about as unlikely as a typhoon blowing through a junkyard and constructing a boeing 747"

Human often ask the questions "where did I come from?" "Why am I here?" "What's the purpose of Life?" all these questions are answered in the story of creation in genesis 1 and 2.

This study proved it purpose and lead me to talk about many things with Dave, things that were painful for me, but things about my past that needed to be aired out, reasons I am like I am. But Dave made me realise.. I am... just that... I just have to be, to exist in harmony with God an I can achieve my eternity in heaven!

"If you want me after this, rotten piece of meat that I am, I will give myself to You" - Barry Mcguire


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